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Clean and Clear Oil Control Film by Johnson & Johnson

£5.98 inc. tax

£4.98 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.
Product Code: UVb0XW7

Clean and Clear Oil Control 60 Silky Blotting Paper Film Johnson & Johnson UK

60 sheets

UK Supplier

Condition: Brand New in sealed original packing.


Instantly soak up excess oil and remove shine from your face, without smudging makeup or leaving behind powder. Softer than paper, these silky sheets can be used easily around your nose and other area of your face. Use them anytime, anywhere to remove oil and shine throughout the day.

How to use it

Before first use, open package lid and peel off sticker on inside panel. For easy pop-up dispensing, press lid down and lift up to remove each sheet. Blot sheet gently on face to remove excess oil and shine . Ideal for use over makeup. Dispose used sheet in trash receptacle.

Ideal for removing access oil from areas such as the nose which can become shiney with excess oil.
Suitable for both men and women.


(60 sheets per pack)

Made in Japan

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